Steve Wildes

Death and Small Business CGT Concessions

They say that two things in life are inevitable – death and taxes. This doesn’t mean that the two have to happen at the same time. Generally where there is a change of ownership in small business, a CGT event is deemed to have occurred which may result in a capital loss or taxable gain. When a person dies, their assets are transferred to their legal personal representative (LPR) or are acquired by a surviving joint tenant, if one exists, and as such the Capital Gains Tax rules apply.

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Death and Small Business CGT Concessions
( Posted in: Tax )

Death and Small Business CGT Concessions

They say that two things in life are inevitable – death and taxes. This doesn’t mean that the two have to happen at the same time. Generally where there is a change of ownership in small business, a CGT event is deemed to have occurred which may result in a capital loss or taxable gain. When a person dies, their assets are transferred to their legal personal representative (LPR) or are acquired by a surviving joint tenant, if one exists, and as such the Capital Gains Tax rules apply.

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Death and Small Business CGT Concessions
( Posted in: Tax )